Kaspersky Anti-Virus AVP Personal Pro V4.0 光碟"專業"完整正式版
軟體名稱:Kaspersky Anti-Virus AVP Personal Pro V4.0 光碟"專業"完整正式版
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
破解說明:請參閱光碟 CRACK 檔!
Kaspersky Anti-Virus AVP Personal Pro V4.0 光碟"專業"完整正式版!「國外評價極高殺毒軟體」
《參考價格》$ 2800 元台幣!
System Tray的自動監視功能,可幫你自動監視從硬碟、網路上、E-mail 夾檔中開啟文
件的安全性,亦有滑鼠右鍵的快速選單,還附有 LiveUpdate 線上更新病毒碼的功能 !
History of Champions - The AVP is looking to build an extensive arch
-ive of past champions. We are going through all old record archives, but co
-uld use your help. Our goal is to build complete biographies including imag
-es of those who helped create the sport. Who are your favorite past champio
-ns and why? We would love to get a few stories with photos of the great Smi
-th/Stoklos and Hovland/Dood rivalry. If you have any digital images of past
champions please email us today. Also we are looking for any old photos of
Sinjin and Karch playing together.
Grassroots - The AVP is looking for contributors and editors to help
us reach out to the volleyball community. The AVP has reserved space at avp.
com to highlight volleyball in your home community. If you would like us to
put your article or photos up on our website please send all information to We are looking for all types of volleyball activity so
indoor is terrific as well.
Amateur Tournaments - The AVP will be devoting a special section of
our website for amateur events. tournaments, get your 2002 tournament infoma
-tion ready to send us. The section will list all tournaments that the AVP is
aware of for 2002. Stay tuned for more information.
Indoor Sand Facilities - Here in Southern California we are very for
tunate to have great weather and beaches; however, we often become spoiled,
for instance if the weather drops into the sixties with the slightest of win
-ds it is a good bet that nobody will be playing ball. Being from the midwest
I remember praying for 50 degree weather in the spring so we could get outsi
-de and play some ball. It always seemed to take about two weeks to get your
sand legs. In addition to playing volleyball in less than desirable conditio
-ns, we often played at indoor sand volleyball facilities just to keep the t
-ouch of the ball. These facilities are very common in the Midwest and East
Coast. Volleyball players are truly diehard fans and participants. The AVP s
alutes those players that make the phone calls, drive an hour in bad weather
(rain and snow), pay court fees just to play at an indoor sand volleyball fac
-ility. This is dedication. We are looking for the best of the best indoor s
-and volleyball facilities and even the worst of the worst and those who play
in them.. Send us an email today with your story and images. We have heard o
-f people playing in heated barns in the winter, is this true?
We need email messages from all Volleyball Players. Support the AVP
today and tell all your friends to visit, in addition don't forget to
remind your friends to signup for the newsletter. It is as simple as entering
your email. The more people we know the more successful we can be.