
McAfee VirusScan ThinClient Suite V6.0 英文"ThinClient組件"光碟正式版

軟體名稱:McAfee VirusScan ThinClient Suite V6.0 英文"ThinClient組件"光碟正式版
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003


McAfee VirusScan ThinClient Suite V6.0 英文"ThinClient組件"光碟正式版(防毒軟體)

    讓您久等的 McAfee VirusScan V6.0,英文ThinClient組件版終於上市了,隨著網
    際網路及行動族的增加,有許多資料並不是存在主機上而是在 Client 端上的例如
    筆記型電腦或是PDA 都已經成為了新一代的Client而這種 ThinClient 的防毒更成
    了新一代病毒的溫床及防疫的漏洞了,而在McAfee VirusScqn ThinClient Suite
    V6.0英文版除了全新的McAfee VirusScan ThinClient 之外,更包含了 ePolicy
    Orchestrator 2.5這套可以幫你管理網路上的檔案的安全性的最佳管理軟體,除了

    As the Internet becomes the hub of an increasing number of business
    transactions and users, especially mobile users depend on network
    availability to perform mission critical functions, bandwidth becomes
    essential resource for IT to manage. At 1/5 the size of competitive
    offerings, VirusScan TC keeps down the cost of anti-virus management by
    reducing the software deployment bandwidth and giving the administrator
    total control.

    THIN. The package an administrator sends out to the workstations on the
    network when deploying VirusScan TC is 1/5 the size of competitive
    solutions. Not only that, but the unique 'distributed deployment'
    mechanisms available allow the administrator to intelligently use
    bandwidth where it is most plentiful and avoid using it where it is scarce.

    TOTAL CONTROL. Because there is no end-user interface to VirusScan TC, it
    puts all control in the hands of the administrator, where it belongs. It
    takes control out of the hands of the end users.

    INTERNET-READY. Because the desktop agent and the management server
    communicate via standard Internet protocol, VirusScan TC can be managed
    over the internet - even desktops that seldom connect to the corporate
    network are constantly under the administrator's control.

    Small Package Size
    Because the size of the package deployed to workstations is small, it
    allows administrators to reduce the cost of deployment.

    Distributed Deployment Capabilities
    By allowing administrators to locate the software package in any of a
    number of network locations, VirusScan TC gives them the power to
    intelligently use bandwidth where it is most plentiful.

    No End-User Interface
    By eliminating the end-user interface, VirusScan TC eliminates the headache
    and expense associated with end users becoming infected because they
    misconfigured or disabled the software. It puts all control in the hands
    of the administrator, allowing him to enforce anti-virus policy with ease.

    Incremental Automatic Updates
    VirusScan TC automatically updates itself using incremental updates.
    It downloads only the new virus definitions added to the definition files
    since the last update was performed, keeping the bandwidth required for
    ongoing updates at an absolute minimum and reducing the cost of ongoing

    Total Visibility
    The only way an administrator can tell whether his anti-virus policy is
    effective is through feedback from the network nodes. VirusScan TC, working
    in concert with the ePolicy Orchestrator management platform, gives
    administrators the valuable virus activity and product status data they
    need to proactively manage the anti-virus policy for the whole organization
    , and make regional or departmental adjustments where necessary.

    Standard IP Communication
    Because the desktop agent and the management server communicate via IP,
    VirusScan TC can be managed virtually anywhere, from virtually anywhere.
    Regardless of the type or architecture of the networks that connect the
    server and the agent, they can communicate. This gives administrators
    unprecedented ability to enforce policies for mobile and occasionally
    -connected users.

    Best Detection and Cleaning
    VirusScan TC uses the same scanning engine as the rest of the
    products in the McAfee family. The McAfee virus scanning engine is
    consistently rated tops in the industry in independent tests, and
    offers the best protection money can buy.

ePolicy Orchestrator 2.5
    Designed specifically for the Internet, ePolicy Orchestrator is the
    first and only truly scalable tool for managing and enforcing
    anti-virus protection and policies. It includes comprehensive policy
    management, detailed graphical reporting, and software deployment.
    Together, these tools give administrators the power to ensure virus
    protection more effectively than any solution in the market.
    Administrators can manage policies and deploy protection while
    generating detailed graphical reports on all McAfee anti-virus

    Keep protection up to date
    The most critical element of defending your network against virus
    infection is keeping your anti-virus software up to date. ePolicy
    Orchestrator makes it easy to know whether you have the latest
    protection, and makes it possible to update the entire network with
    the click of a button.

    Lower Cost of Ownership
    As a virus spreads throughout your enterprise, the costs to your
    organization grow exponentially-especially when customers are
    exposed. ePolicy Orchestrator helps you detect, clean and remove
    viruses and malicious code before they spread, lowering costs and
    allowing your technical staff to focus on their primary work tasks.

    Manage Virus Security over the Internet
    ePolicy Orchestrator allows you to manage remote users or offices
    even when they are not connected to the corporate network. Any
    Internet connection will allow the ePolicy Orchestrator agent and
    server to communicate, making management of mobile users seamless.
    Even the administrator's console can be connected remotely, so you
    can manage your virus protection from home.

    Enterprise-scalable Policy Management Made Easy
    ePolicy Orchestrator's single-server model allows you to scale up to
    100,000 users. You can operate from anywhere using a remote console,
    and enjoy a range of powerful options: Set policies by machine or by
    group. Change policies as often as necessary to adapt to changing
    threats and network environments, without ever leaving your desk.
    You will also save time with our configurable directory and flexible
    agent deployment.

    Enterprise-wide Visibility
    There are two questions that must be asked and answered constantly
    to effectively defend against virus infection: 'Am I protected?' and
    'Am I infected?' ePolicy Orchestrator answers these questions for
    you. With it, you can be certain that all desktops, servers,
    groupware, and gateway machines are up to date with the latest virus
    defintions and scanning engines. And justifying virus security
    expenditures is easier with customizable charts--including 3D bar
    charts, pie charts, line graphs, and tables. ePolicy Orchestrator
    also integrates with Seagate Crystal Reports technology and
    Microsoft's MSDE/SQL 7.0 to deliver enterprise-level scalability.

    Outbreak Management
    ePolicy Orchestrator responds instantly to virus outbreaks by
    configuring an enterprise-wide AutoUpdate, scanning manually, and
    generating detailed reports to pinpoint entry points and identify a
    pattern of propagation. This coordinated response speeds the update
    process and helps stop a spreading virus.

    Powerful Multi-Tiered Active Virus Defense
    VirusScan, NetShield, GroupShield, and WebShield provide virus
    security for all possible points of entry including desktops, file
    servers, groupware, and Internet gateways. ePolicy Orchestrator
    manages the multi-tiered protection and offers administrators
    maximum visibility of this comprehensive security solution.

    ePolicy Orchestrator enjoys full support from the Anti-Virus
    Emergency Response Team (AVERT). With 90 researchers around the
    world, AVERT ensures that McAfee virus experts will arrive quickly
    and fully armed at the scene of any virus alert.'

    System Requirement:

For ePolicy Orchestrator Server
    Dedicated Microsoft Windows NT 4 Server 4.0; SP4 or later
    Microsoft Internet Explorer v5 or later
    4 GB HDD (the larger your organization, the more space you will need)
    128 MB RAM (recommend 1 GB when managing more than 5000 agents)
    CPU: Pentium II 400 MHz (recommend multiple processors when managing
    more than 5000 agents)
    Reporting Database-up to 2 GB available with included Microsoft Data
    Engine. Expansion possible with Microsoft SQL 7.0.
    Network interface card (NIC) which supports TCP/IP

For ePolicy Orchestrator Agent
    Microsoft Windows 95/98, or Windows NT 4 Server/Workstation 4.0; SP4
    or above, or Windows 2000 Professional/Server
    30 MB HDD (includes space required for VirusScan or NetShield
    product install)
    16 MB RAM
    CPU: Determined by anti-virus product(s) managed

    For ePolicy Orchestrator Administrative Console
    Microsoft Windows NT 4 Server/Workstation 4.0; SP4 or above
    30 MB HDD
