Steinbichler COMETplus v5.10 英文光碟正式版
軟體名稱:Steinbichler COMETplus v5.10 英文光碟正式版
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
Steinbichler COMETplus v5.10 英文光碟正式版
Even for inexperienced users, the intelligently designed software (Windows
format) can be used safely without over-extensive training.
There is a choice between three different software modules: COMETplus Basic
(included in system price), and the extended modules COMETplus Match and
COMETplus Reference. Thus, it is possible to apply the optimum measuring
strategy to the application.
COMETplus Basic:
Basic module for the measurement of small objects or for the capture of 3D
surfaces of large objects by interactive matching of single views using
reference or tie points.
* Windows NT 4.0 / Windows 2000 operating system
* graphical user interface
* function control via menu, toolbar and toolboxes
* integration of video-, 3D-, and intersection view into the main menu
for a comfortable analysis and processing of the measuring data
* interactive and automatic control of the sensor parameters
* fast data acquisition
* generation of x, y, z point clouds per single view
* extensive functions for single views, e.g.,
- masking in the video image
- optimization of contrast edges and filling of gaps, based on an
interactively generated mask
* numerous functions for all pointclouds, partly in the graphical editor,
such as:
- edge and curvature-preserving filter algorithms for data optimization
- volume-based data reduction
- gap filling in data records
- masking (interactive or due to surrounding box)
* easy-to-use, automatic post-processing (including storage of STL data)
* 3-planes orientation
* mirroring and scaling of pointclouds
* 3-2-1 object orientation with regard to coordinate axes
* transformation (due to transformation file, from pre-defined values, in
relation to reference coordinates)
* calculation of optimized serial intersections
* storage of all pointclouds incl. additional information (transformation
matrix, reference points, matching points, etc.) in a compact binary file
(COMET database format)
* import and export function for pointclouds in various standard formats
* easy checking and judging of actual sensor calibration
* simplified sensor calibration on-the-spot by the user
* automatic data exchange with COMETinspect for the simultaneous inspection
(online) of single views (comparison with CAD data as false color display)
COMETplus Match:
For the measurement of small objects or for the capture of 3D surfaces or
large objects by surface matching of single views. For the navigation and
pre-alignment, object-bound or additional tie points are used. This makes
the COMETplus Match module expecially suited for the measurement of objects
with distinct surface features.
COMETplus Match includes the COMETplus Basic module and the following
additional functions:
* surface matching by interactive navigation by the means of object-bound
and/or additional matching points (markers, spheres)
* interactive identification of matching markers
* interactive grouping and selection of defined areas for global matching
* generating and editing of triangle meshes (polygon mesh, STL-format) from
up to 100 millions of points
* optimizing of polygon meshes by curvature preserving decimation
* efficient filter algorithms for edge and curvature preserving data reduction
* curvature preserving interpolation for holes in the polygon mesh
* automatic delete function of overlapping data
* fast matching algorithm based on gradient technique
COMETplus Reference:
This module offers highest accuracy for the calculation of 3D surfaces of any
size and design. It is possible to integrate either photogrammetric or tactile
reference points. Furthermore, certified reference scales can be used.
COMETplus Reference includes the COMETplus Basic and COMETplus Match modules
as well as the following additional functions:
* matching of single views by interactively selected reference points
* surface matching by utilizing object-bound and/or additional tie points
(markers, spheres)
* interactive identification of tie points
* automatic import and identification of reference coordinates and reference
* automatic identification of retro-reflecting markers
* interactive or automatic surface composing
- transformed to reference coordinate systems (offline/online photogrammetry,
CMM, certified scale, etc.)
- by surface matching (navigation and pre-orientation due to object-bound or
additional tie points)
* support of variable, object-orientated optimizing strategies
* optimizing of polygon meshes by curvature-preserving dezimation