
Padus DiscJuggler 4.50.1179 PRO2 英文正式版(燒錄軟體)

軟體名稱:Padus DiscJuggler 4.50.1179 PRO2 英文正式版(燒錄軟體)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003



               Padus DiscJuggler 4.50.1179 PRO2 英文正式版(燒錄軟體)



DiscJuggler 可以說是目前市場上,複製光碟功能數一數二的燒錄軟體,現在它也加入了製作光碟母片,
及製作 WAV、MP3 及 WMA 的功能,而且不論你的燒錄設備是 IDE 或者是 SCSI 它都可以通吃,
另外還有一個特點,就是可以同時控製多台燒錄機進行燒錄,讓你的 "生產力" 倍增! 

DiscJuggler 是一個專業級的光碟複製燒錄軟體,之前它只能用來複製光碟,不過現在它也加入了
,製作光碟母片 (燒錄使用者自己的資料),及燒錄音樂光碟的功能,不過其主要的特色還是在

DiscJuggler 是一個功能強大的光碟複製軟體,許多其它軟體無法成功燒錄的光碟片,
都可以透過 DiscJuggler 來燒錄,而且它的穩定度也相當的高,讓你不再有 "Buffer Under Run" 

DiscJuggler 主要的功能有下列幾點: 
1. 當你如果沒有光碟機的時候,可以利用同一台 CD-R 來讀取燒錄。 
2. 利用 SCSI 或者 IDE 的 CD-ROM 配合 CD-R 來燒錄。 
3. 可以將 CD-ROM 中的資料,讀取出來然後以 ISO Image 的方式,儲存在您的硬碟中,
當您有需要的時候,即可透過 DiscJuggler 將檔案還原到 CD-R 中燒錄。 
4. 可以同時燒錄數張光碟片,你可以同時將許多部 CD-R 串接在一張 SCSI 卡上, 這樣就可以透過
 DiscJuggler 的控制,同時燒錄數張光碟片,不過當然有所限制 ,所有的 CD-R 只能以同樣的速度燒錄。 
5. 可燒錄光碟母片,燒錄自己所準備的檔案資料。 
6. 可讀取音樂 CD 以製作 WAV、MP3 及 WMA 音樂檔。

Version 4.50.1179: Major update
Enhanced all graphical user interfaces. 
Enhanced all aspects of write performance. 
Added DVD+R and DVD+RW BookType support for BenQ, BTC, LG, Lite-ON, NEC, Plextor, and Ricoh drives. 
Added support to automatically repair invalid VIDEO_TS structures in the "Create new DVDs" task during writing. 
Added a new feature to load and save task settings automatically. 
Added abort functionality to jobs being transferred to a Network Server. 
Added support for %m syntax of all "Good label" fields in all tasks. 
Added support for new CD and DVD drives. 
Increased support for various Bitmap color depths. 
Increased text overlay from 100 maximum characters to 150 maximum characters. 
Changed registration of DiscJuggler to apply to Windows user accounts. 
Changed notification of Demo Edition writing limitations to reduce cases when discs are
used without user realization. 
Changed the Network Server to not create PRN label files if printer support is disabled. 
Fixed handling of .CDJ task configuration files. 
Fixed handling of opening .CDI and .ISO disc image files from the Windows Explorer. 
Fixed closing DiscJuggler with limited user accounts; log.txt is no longer saved in the DiscJuggler
program files directory by default. 
Fixed a problem when using the "Cache" option on files from a networked source. 
Fixed "Verify failed at sector 182" error. 
Fixed "Medium not present" error message with Plextor drives when finalizing in RAW mode. 
Fixed a problem where the TOC was not correctly recognized by certain drives. 
Fixed a problem handling file sizes larger than 32-bit values in the "Create new DVDs" task. 
Fixed a problem where settings in Tools ? Options ? Pre-mastering ? Date would only be set to folders. 
Fixed a problem where the date format was inconsistent; dates are now in MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM:SS formats, respectively. 
Fixed a problem where pressing the Enter key on the CD-TEXT tab of the "Create new CDs" task would cause a crash. 
Fixed a problem where writing speeds would be displayed differently depending on input sequence. 

