
Nik Color Efex Prov2.007 Complete Edition for Adobe Photoshop英文正式版(壓感筆插件)

軟體名稱:Nik Color Efex Prov2.007 Complete Edition for Adobe Photoshop英文正式版(壓感筆插件)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003


    Nik Color Efex Prov2.007 Complete Edition for Adobe Photoshop英文正式版
Nik Color Efex Pro是專為WACOM的壓感筆技術開發的一款處理製作藝術圖像的插件,其功能強大,樣式繁多不愧為一款優秀的濾
鏡工具,更加實用之處在於它把WACOM壓感筆在PHOTOSHOP中使用的優勢整合其中,充分發揮壓感筆處理圖像的優勢。Nik Color Efex
Pro 2.0完全支持最新的Adobe Photoshop cs3和Adobe Photoshop Elements3相信它將是你創作中的好幫手。它精確的模擬計算,
從細微的圖像修正到顛覆性的視覺效果:Nik Color Efex Pro 2為你提供了一套相當完整的插件。Nik Color Efex Pro 2允許你為照
片加上原來所沒有的東西,比如“Midnight Blue”功能可以把白天拍攝的照片變成夜晚背景。“Infra-red Black and White”功能可以
十分真實地模擬紅外攝影的效果。“Sunshine”功能則能讓原本灰暗的畫面獲得陽光明媚的效果。“True Light”技術允許你像處理傳統

通過Nik Color Efex Pro 的優化,數碼照片的色彩和對比度都能獲得更自然的表現。而那些更專業的用戶可能會對“Cross Processing”
幻燈片或膠片直接掃描照片時,這個功能會相當有用。Nik Color Efex Pro從版本2開始支援16位元的圖像。 

Nik Color Efex Pro的使用也不麻煩:選好所要應用的濾鏡之後,你就可以預覽它們的效果並進行參數調整;然後使用“Paint and Fill”
工具就可以把效果應用於整個圖像或者其中的一部分。如果你手頭有Wacom的繪圖板,Nik Color Efex Pro也能提供支援,這樣的組合更
能發揮其功效。該程式能夠用於CMYK、RGB、CIE Lab和灰度等多種色彩模式下。總共75個濾鏡能夠用於多種圖像編輯軟體,比如Photoshop、
Paint Shop Pro和Photo Paint。Nik Color Efex Pro 2對於照片修補工作者來說是不可缺少的工具。

Nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 photographic filters offer features and functionality that are designed to make digital 
photographic enhancements and digital photography not only easier, but better. Recognized as the leader in digital
photographic filters, the three Adobe Photoshop plug-in collections from Nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 provide you with a
wide range of filters and effects that make enhancing and transforming your images better than ever. Nik Color Efex
Pro 2.0 is offered in three collections to allow you to choose the collection that best fits your needs.

New in Nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 

Nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 filters have all been updated to include more functionality and better features, along with more
 filters and effects. Some of these include:

*16-bit functionality 

*The True Light? Color Engine that provides even better photographic enhancements by preserving the relationships between
color, contrast, and detail. The True Light Color Engine provides more natural film-like images and allows users to 
achieve far better quality enhancements, with more natural and photographic results. 

*The Advanced Panel provides controls to adapt the filter’s enhancement to enable it to protect the highlights and shadows
in the image in order to provide higher quality effects and enhancements. Available only in selected filters, the Advanced
Panel provides a histogram that enables you to identify potential problems in the image. 

*Larger and expanded preview options. 

*A Selective module that enables users to apply any filter quickly and easily to any part of an image, while taking 
advantage of pressure sensitivity when used with a Wacom tablet. 

*A series of Reflector filters that controls and adds light similar to conventional photographic reflectors. 

*Infrared conversion (Color, Black and White, and Thermal Camera). 

*Cross Processing filters (both C41 – E6 and E6 – C41). 

*And over 30 new filters in all. 

System Requirements:
- Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) through Windows XP, or later. 
- 300 MHz Pentium or better (800 MHz or faster recommended). 
- 128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended). 
- 800x600 screen resolution at 16-bit color depth 
(1024x768 at 24-bit depth recommended). 
- 300 MB of hard disk space for the Complete Edition, 
190 MB of hard disk space for the Select Edition, and 
90 MB of hard disk space for the Standard Edition required. 
- AdobeR PhotoshopR 4.0 – CS3, Adobe Photoshop Elements 1.0 – 5.0, 
or an image editing application that accepts Adobe Photoshop plug-ins 
compatible filters* 

* Nik Software product filters are developed to integrate seamlessly into many popular image editing applications that
support the Adobe plug-in architecture and there are numerous software applications that accept Adobe plug-in compatible
filters. Please consult your image editing application’s documentation for compatibility and installation instructions
for 3rd-party plug-ins.

