Axialis IconWorkshop v6.11英文正式版(強大的圖標設計工具)
軟體名稱:Axialis IconWorkshop v6.11英文正式版(強大的圖標設計工具)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
Axialis IconWorkshop v6.11英文正式版(強大的圖標設計工具)
Axialis IconWorkshop(以前的版本叫AX-Icons)是一款功能強大的圖標設計工具。它被用來創建、
和圖標庫(ICL)。它支持新的帶Alpha通道圖像(a.k.a.平滑透明度)的 Windows圖標。你甚至可以打
Axialis IconWorkshop 將許多的特殊功能完美的整合在一個工作區中。這些功能隨時都方便易用:
嚮導能幫助你用圖標庫創建可發佈的安裝軟件包(如果需要還可以設激活代碼);它能讀取從 16x16
單色到 OS-X 128x128 alpha 通道縮略圖格式的 Macintosh(R) 圖標,並能導入或導出 Adobe(R)
Photoshop(R) PSD 格式和帶透明 Alpha 通道的 PNG 和 BMP 圖像。
度、對比度等)以及其它工具(縮放尺寸、任意角度轉動、翻轉、XP 陰影等);增強的與 Adobe(R)
和 Jasc(R) 色彩文件相兼容的色板和調色板管理系統;還有自定義 Windows(R) 圖標的功能等等。
A tool designed to Create, Extract, Convert, Manage and Redistribute Windows Icon
Axialis IconWorkshop (formerly AX-Icons) is a powerful tool designed to Create, Extract,
Convert, Manage and Redistribute Windows Icons.You can create, load and save all Windows
Icons (ICO) and Libraries (ICL).
Axialis IconWorkshop is a software that create, extract, convert and manage icons.
Axialis IconWorkshop supports the new Windows XP Icons with Alpha Channel images (a.k.a.
Smooth Transparency). Also, you'll be able to open Macintosh Icons and convert them to Windows
Here are some key features of "Axialis IconWorkshop":
· Ability to create icons compatible with all versions of Windows including the latest XP format
with alpha channel
· Supports images with alpha channel to create icons (smooth transparency, shadows and image
· Customize Windows icons. Adjust Windows icon size. Repair or rebuilds Windows icon cache.
· Transfer images from Adobe Photoshop using a plug-in (through memory - no more temporary PSD
· Reads Macintosh icons from 16x16 mono to OS-X 128x128 alpha channel thumbnail format. Save
them for Windows.
· Supports ICL Icon Libraries Create/Load/Save
· Imports/Exports Adobe Photoshop PSD images with layers
· Imports/Exports PNG and BMP with smooth transparency alpha channel
· Import/Export Adobe Photoshop PSD images with layers
· Batch create PNG, PSD or BMP images from icons (several icons at once)
· Batch create Windows icons from images or Macintosh icons (several icons at once)
· Batch convert Macintosh icons to Windows icons (several icons at once)
· Create icon or library snapshot images (create an image showing all the image formats embedded
in an icon or library)..
· Contains several icon image filters (blur, smooth, sharpen, details, contour, emboss...)
· Contains several icon image adjustments (Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Contrast...)
· Contains several icon image tools (Resize, Rotation at any angle, flip...)
· Drop shadow effect to create Windows XP compliant icons
· Enhanced color swatch/palette system compatible with Adobe and Jasc color files.
· Create an icon with all its formats from another icon image in one operation (easy-to-use wizard).
· Create an icon with all its formats from an extarnal image file in one operation (easy-to-use wizard).
· Create an icon from a screen capture
· Create ICL icon library
· Open any executable file (EXE, DLL, OCX...). Ability to change icons embedded in executable files.
Dec 14 - IconWorkshop 6.11
This new version permits to modify icons in auto-executable Flash or archive files and fixes minor bugs.
~Support Windows Vista, XP, 2000~
Axialis IconWorkshop 6.11 Corporate Edition
One tool for all your needs: IconWorkshop is professional tool designed to Create, Extract, Convert,
Manage and Redistribute WindowsR and MacintoshR Icons. Many features permits you to create high quality
icons in minutes. Support for VistaR icons with embedded PNG compression. Convert icons between
MacintoshR and WindowsR in a click, create icons from PNG images...
Tools include automatic image format creation, creation of icons from images including PSD, PNG,
JPEG2000, cross-platform conversion, automated batch processing and a Photoshop transfer plug-in.
Produce icons up to 256x256 using a fully integrated workspace. It supports the Vista icon format
featuring PNG-compressed 256x256 images. It includes a library of 150 image objects. You can also export
your icons to Web-optimized GIF images.
Create professional icons for Windows and Macintosh OS:
- Full support for Windows Vista? PNG-compressed icons
- Create quality icons for WindowsR and MacintoshR OS
- Create attractive icons using Image Objects R
- Convert icons between MacintoshR and WindowsR
- Automatically create icons from images
- Export icons to images to illustrate your applications
Use a professional tool :
- Powerful Editor
- Create composite icons using drag & drop
- Integrated workspace
- Advanced Help
- Compatible with graphic industry standards
- Batch Procedures
- Librarian & Explorer with previews