
Kerio WinRoute Firewall v6.4.1.3519 x86 x64英文正式版(防毒軟體)

軟體名稱:Kerio WinRoute Firewall v6.4.1.3519 x86 x64英文正式版(防毒軟體)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003


        Kerio WinRoute Firewall v6.4.1.3519 x86 x64英文正式版(防毒軟體)

SANTA CLARA, CA - Kerio Technologies, a developer ofInternetcommunication and security 
software for small to mediumsizedorganisations, has announced the release of Kerio 
WinRouteFirewall6.4. A new version of the Internet monitoring module in KerioWinRouteFirewall, 
Kerio StaR, has added enhanced, comprehensivereporting thatgives both IT and non-IT managers 
a powerful tool toreview Internethabits of users and restrict casual Internet browsing.
The new reporting capability in Kerio StaR provides a clearandunderstan-dable profile for 
each Internet user in an organisation.Thenew report clearly lists websites visited during 
the day, suchasMySpace, and the time spent on each site. It also lists searchquerieson google 
and other search engines, large file downloads,InstantMessaging activity, multimedia activity, 
such as Internet radioandYouTube videos watched, and remote access connections.
All the reports in Kerio StaR are customisable by employee andtimeranges and are available in 
a print-friendly version. Managershaveaccess to the statistics and reporting through apassword-
protectedsecure web page. The information provided helps guidenecessaryfiltering changes to 
implement with Kerio WinRoute Firewall'shighlyflexible and robust filtering capabilities.
Kerio WinRoute Firewall is an ICSA certified corporate gatewayfirewallfor small to medium 
organizations. Providing comprehensivenetworkmanagement and security, Kerio WinRoute Firewall 
includesclientlessSSL VPN, McAfee Anti-virus, IBM web filter, bandwidthlimiter, Internetmonitor 
and more. Also included are routingcapabilities such as DNSforwarding, DHCP, proxy caching for 
acceleratedInternet browsing, andNAT traversal for complex VoIP (H.323, SIP, CiscoSCCP) and other 
VPNprotocols. Highly acclaimed for its ease ofinstallation andconfiguration, Kerio WinRoute 
Firewall simplifiesadministration bycombining all component configurations into one highlyintuitiveadministration 
Version - December 13, 2007:
- Connection limit now applied on incoming and outgoing connections separately.
- Fixed bug in POP3 inspector causing certain emails being blocked.
- Fixed engined crash in on-demand dialing if a certain configuration was imported from KWF 6.3.
- Fixed proxy server sometimes not requiring authentication for HTTPS pages.
- Fixed engine was not started automatically after clean installation on windows Vista.
- Fixed inability to login to the web interface for users without the 'view statistics' right.
- Fixed firewall traffic sometimes being accounted to random hosts.
- Fixed broken configuration of automatic hangup after inactivity (please check your settings after 
upgrade to 6.4.1).
- Fixed displaying of national characters in alerts.
- Fixed eTrust plug-in.

