OLSOFT Stock Quotes v2.1.1 英文正式版
軟體名稱:OLSOFT Stock Quotes v2.1.1 英文正式版
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
OLSOFT Stock Quotes v2.1.1 英文正式版
軟體介紹 :
Stock Quotes for Pocket PC and SmartPhone are an easy-to-use application for modern
mobile platform. It allows you to monitor stock quotes information provided by free
of charge real time. Besides, you can view news relevant to the selected stock, set
stock symbol. Stock Quotes Mobile consists of 4 main views: portfolio, stock, news
and alerts.
Stock quotes are grouped into portfolios. You can have unlimited number of portfolios.
Stock Quotes for PocketPC and SmartPhone provide the basic information for the selected
portfolio: base and current cost and gain. All stocks data of all portfolios is downloaded
simultaneously using one request. After each download cycle portfolio prices are recalculated.
Stock Quotes for Pocket PC and for SmartPhone allow you not only to monitor stock quotes
but also to read news available on the Yahoo Finance News for the selected symbol. Alerts
help to monitor stock data for the desired events. You can set alert to control stock
property (price, high, low or volume) reaching the desired condition (value is lower,
equal or greater). Stock Quotes for Pocket PC and for SmartPhone supports the stock exchanges
form all countries presented in Yahoo!Finance: US, Canada, most of Europe, Australia, New
Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, India, Russia, United Kingdom
and much more...