
ANSYS Workbench Suite V9.0 SP1 英文光碟正式版 (協同仿真環境)

軟體名稱:ANSYS Workbench Suite V9.0 SP1 英文光碟正式版 (協同仿真環境)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003



ANSYS Workbench Suite V9.0 SP1 英文光碟正式版 (協同仿真環境)



• 仿真技術百家爭鳴是一把雙刃劍,產生了協同仿真的需求
• PDM提供協同設計環境,而Workbench提供協同仿真環境
• ANSYS協同仿真環境滿足協同仿真的深層需求

- 來自不同CAD系統的零部件的重新裝配
- 仿真與設計的雙向參數互動
- 快速解讀第三方CAE模型
- “死網格”的再生

• 用戶可以方便定制協同仿真環境

• 保持CAE核心多樣化同時建立協同仿真環境
• 整合世界主流CAE軟體的仿真技術及資料
• 基於網路的、以協同引擎為中心的三層構架

• 與仿真相關技術與資料在統一環境協同工作
• 完成各類分析相關資料間通訊、共用及協同
• 所有分析與設計技術只是該環境的後臺技術
• 協同環境中工作的人始終面對同一個介面
- 無需在各種分析程式介面之間切換
- 提供了分析人員之間的統一交流平臺

 ANSYS Workbench is a desktop simulation tool that enables you to perform
  more product development tasks faster. Here are some examples:

 More Advanced Simulation ?Faster

 ANSYS provides a complete product portfolio of structural, thermal, fluid
 and electromagnetic analysis capabilities that have the ability to simulate
  your products under real-world conditions. 

 ANSYS Workbench is the integration tool for our advanced physics capabilities
 that enable you to model all of your applications from very simple to very
 complex. The integration of these, and your own, solver technologies can take
 weeks out of your CAE process by eliminating manual file transfer, result
  translation, and reanalysis time.

 More Performance Understanding ?Faster

 CAE tools integration does not stop with one solution. ANSYS Workbench
 provides product performance results over the entire design domain, helping
 you to understand the positive or negative impact of alternative designs
  without performing additional simulations. 

 More Knowledge Shared ?Faster

 With the many engineering professionals in your organization, ANSYS Workbench
 allows experts to easily capture knowledge in the form of process wizards,
 vertical applications, and standard simulation procedures. This action allows
 others in your company to benefit from quickly adopting the shared
  expert knowledge.

 More People Involved in Simulation ?Faster

 Ease-of-use and collaboration features found in ANSYS Workbench help more
 people get involved with performing simulations, understanding results and
  making decisions from simulation data quickly.

 More Product Decisions ?Faster

 The integrated and automated ANSYS Workbench Environment can provide the
 simulation data and product understanding you need to make quicker and less
  costly design decisions than with other simulation tools or testing methods.

 More Products Launched ?Faster & Cheaper

 In addition to the normal post CAD model simulation activities, our solutions
 also are targeted to provide design understanding from basic concept models
 or modified existing designs. This is when you can impact your product costs,
  development costs and development timing the most. 

 ANSYS Workbench has all the tools to make this possible. That's why your
  design process should start with ANSYS Workbench.
