Crystal Impact Match v1.10b 粉末衍射資料階段識別軟體 英文破解版
軟體名稱:Crystal Impact Match v1.10b 粉末衍射資料階段識別軟體 英文破解版
系統支援:For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN 7
破解說明:安裝完成後,請將光碟 \crack目錄下的檔案,複製到主程式的
安裝目錄內中,並覆蓋, 即可破解!
Match! is an easy-to-use software for phase identification from powder
diffraction data, which has become a daily task in material scientists
work. Match! compares the powder diffraction pattern of your sample to
a database containing reference patterns in order to identify the phases
which are present. Single as well as multiple phases can be identified
based on both peak data and raw (profile) data.
As reference database, you can apply the included free-of-charge COD
database and/or ICSD/Retrieve (if you have a valid licence), use any
ICDD PDF product, and/or create a user database based on your own
diffraction patterns. The user database patterns can be edited manually,
imported from peak files, calculated from crystal structure data (e.g.
CIF files), or imported from your colleague's user database.
A list of Match!'s most prominent features can be found here.
Match! Function List
Fast single and multiple phase identification from powder diffraction data
Use free-of-charge reference patterns calculated from the COD (incl. I/Ic),
any ICDD PDF database, any ICSD/Retrieve version (released 1993-2002; valid
licence required) and/or your own diffraction data (or patterns calculated
from crystal structure data (e.g. CIF files)) in phase identification
Flexible handling of reference databases (incl. user databases); you can
easily switch between different reference databases without the necessity
to perform a new database indexation
Create reference databases for X-ray and neutron diffraction e.g. from cif-files
Comfortable user database manager for easy maintenance of user data (add/
import/edit/delete/sort entries)
Powerful CIF- and ICSD/Retrieve import, incl. calculation of powder pattern,
I/Ic and density
Atomic coordinates available e.g. in the ICSD, the ICDD PDF-4+ or free-of-
charge reference data are displayed in the data sheets and included in the
CIF- or Textfile-exports (e.g. for Rietveld analysis)
Displaying of Miller indices (hkl) in diffraction patterns and entry data
View crystal structures in Diamond with just a few clicks
Fully integrated handling of your own diffraction data with PDF data (
search-match, retrieval, data viewing)
Automatic residual searching with respect to identified phases
Automatic raw data processing: α2-stripping, background subtraction, peak
search, profile fitting, error correction
Automatic optimization of peak searching sensitivity
Fitting of all (or selected) peak parameters to exp. profile data
Comfortable manual editing of peaks (add/shift/delete/fit) using mouse or
Semi-quantitative analysis (Reference Intensity Ratio method)
Straight-forward usage of additional knowledge (composition, PDF subfiles,
crystallographic data, color, density etc.)
Integrated database retrieval system and viewer for PDF and user datasheets
Multiple step undo/redo
Support for new PDF entry numbers (9 digits)
User-configurable automatic operation
Full parameter control with instant rearrangement of the results list
Automatic d-value shifting during search-match process (optionally)
Intensity contribution to figure-of-merit can be reduced for preferred-orientation cases
Comfortable graphical and tabular comparison of peak data and candidate patterns
Mouse-controlled pattern graphics zooming and tracking
User-configurable HTML-reports
Online update (automatic or manual)
Supported diffraction data file formats (automatic detection):
ASCII profile (start, step, intensities or 2 columns)
Bruker/Siemens raw data (old and new) (*.raw)
Bruker/Siemens DIFFRAC AT peak data (*.dif)
DBWS (*.rfl, *.dat)
ENDEAVOUR peak list (2 columns: 2theta/d intensity; *.dif)
Inel raw data (*.dat)
Ital Structures raw data (*.esg)
Jade/MDI/SCINTAG raw data (*.mdi)
JEOL ASCII Export raw data (*.txt)
PANalytical XRDML Scan raw data (*.xrdml)
PANalytical/Philips peak data (*.udi)
PANalytical/Philips raw data (*.rd, *.udf)
Rigaku raw data (*.raw)
SCINTAG raw data (*.raw, *.rd)
Shimadzu raw data (*.raw)
Siemens (*.uxd)
Sietronics XRD scan data (*.cpi)
Stoe raw data (*.raw)
Stoe peak data (*.pks)