
NI AWR Design Environment 14.04R Build 9307 x64 非常不錯的設計環境軟體 英文破解版

軟體名稱:NI AWR Design Environment 14.04R Build 9307 x64 非常不錯的設計環境軟體 英文破解版
系統支援:For Windows 10 (x64)/Windows 8.1 (x64)/Windows 7 SP1 (x64)

1. Run and install awrde_v14_04_9307_2_64bit, it is better to do this on behalf of the administrator.

2. When installing the program, if you had the previous version 14, then the installation will be carried out in a new directory with the version of AWRDE.
This should be considered in the ways when treating the program.

3. Install all installer components.

4. You may need to manually install the latest net framework updates.

5. After installation, copy and replace the files "AWR_Common.dll" and "license.lic" from the treatment folder "Crack_14.04" to the root folder with the program "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ AWR \ AWRDE \ 14 \".

6. For Analyst to work, copy the replacement file "AWR_Common.dll" to the folder "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ AWR \ AWRDE \ 14 \ analyst \"

7. At the first start of the program, it will display the "AWR License Configuration" window, you must click on the "Set Location" button and specify the path to the file
license "license.lic" copied to the root folder with the program in the previous paragraph.

8. Close the "AWR License Configuration" window by clicking on "Close".

9. The possibility of full-fledged work of the programs has not been tested.

NI (原名AWR Corporation)最新發佈了NI AWR Design Environment 的V14版本,其中
的Analyst 三維有限元(FEM)電磁仿真引擎的功能增強,將比上一個版本節省多達百分

frequencies and high frequencies such as amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, 
and more. is . AWR Design Environment is one of the specialized telecom group 
software that is suitable for engineers and students in telecommunications 
and electronics, as well as all those who work in the field of RF and Microwave 
circuits. The AWR Design Environment consists of three different tools. The 
powerful tools are fully integrated in the AWR Design Environment, which makes 
it impossible to leave the application environment for use during operation. 
The VSS program enables you to design End-to-End communication systems. Analyze. 
You can design systems consisting of modulated signals in this section.
