
Lynda com Web Fonts First ªì¸ÕWeb¦rÅé³]pµøÀW±Ð¾Ç ^¤å¥¿¦¡ª©(DVD¤@¤ù¸Ë)
³nÅé¦WºÙ:Lynda com Web Fonts First ªì¸ÕWeb¦rÅé³]pµøÀW±Ð¾Ç ^¤å¥¿¦¡ª©(DVD¤@¤ù¸Ë)
¨t²Î¤ä´©:For WIN 95/WIN 98/WIN ME/WIN-NT/WIN 2000/WIN 7
³nÅ鲤¶: ¥X«~ªº®Éªø3¤p®É17¤Àªº ªì¸ÕWeb¦rÅé³]pµøÀW±Ð¾Ç¡C¥ÑJames
CSS @font-face´O¤J¦rÅé«ì´_Åã¥Ü¡CÁ¿z½u¤W¦rÅé±Æª©»P·í«eCSS¦rÅ骺µo®i
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Web Fonts First Look
Author: James Williamson
For this installment of the First Look series, James Williamson
reviews the current implementation and future direction of web
fonts: downloadable font resources that can be retrieved with the
CSS @font-face declaration. The course begins with the evolution
of online typography and current CSS font capabilities, and then
dives into the W3C CSS Fonts Module specification, showing how to
utilize web fonts, ensure cross-browser consistency, and how to
use CSS3 to enhance the styling of web fonts. Font hosting
services and tools such as TypeKit and the Google Fonts API are
demonstrated. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* What are web fonts?
* Understanding the font stack
* Using @font-face
* Rendering basics
* Choosing a font hosting service
* Downloading licensed fonts
* Generating web fonts
* Font sizing
* Transforming text
* Creating special effects with text shadows
Welcome 00:58
Prerequisites for this course 01:28
Using the exercise files 02:38
1. The Current State of Online Typography The evolution of online typography 04:11
CSS font capabilities 13:00
Understanding the font stack 06:07
Current workarounds for online type 05:36
The @font-face rule 05:43
2. Exploring Web Fonts What are web fonts? 03:18
The WebFonts Working Group 02:53
CSS Fonts Module specification 06:59
Web font formats 05:42
Font rendering basics 03:55
Platform-specific font rendering 05:52
Web fonts in action 03:25
3. Working with Web Fonts Web font hosting options 05:03
Web font hosting services 10:50
Choosing a font hosting service 04:14
Web font tools 12:03
Working with Typekit 08:45
Using Typekit to serve fonts 07:05
Using the Google Font API 04:31
Downloading licensed fonts 04:41
Generating web fonts 06:40
4. Enhancing Typography with CSS3 Exploring the finished file 02:06
The @font-face syntax 05:40
Writing @font-face declarations 06:46
Font sizing considerations 11:09
Using weights and styles 10:17
Transforming text 03:51
Creating multi-column text 05:33
Creating special effects with text shadows 05:06
Web font support detection 06:46
Conclusion Additional resources 04:11