
Total Training-Flash Professional 8 英文正式版(多媒體教程軟體)

軟體名稱:Total Training-Flash Professional 8 英文正式版(多媒體教程軟體)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003


         Total Training-Flash Professional 8 英文正式版(多媒體教程軟體) 

Total Training的英文教程想必大家肯定能很熟悉。
Part 1 - Graphics in Flash

Lesson 1: A Quick Flash Demo (48 min)

1. Introducing the Flash Interface
2. Adding Elements to the Stage
3. Duplicating Library Items
4. Introducing Keyframes, the Transform Tool & Tweening
5. Creating Animations
6. Adding Audio, Swapping Symbols & Testing a Movie
7. Using Graphic Symbols
8. Combining Animations into One Project
9. Creating & Arranging Buttons
10. Adding & Labeling Action Keyframes
11. Adding Behaviors to Buttons
12. Using the Publish Preview Command

Lesson 2: Meet Flash: Fundamentals (37 min)

1. Navigating the Stage Area
2. Accessing & Organizing Panels
3. Saving, Exporting & Testing Low Res
4. Selecting a Flash Player Version for a New Project
5. Introducing Layers
6. Creating New Layers & Moving Items Between Layers
7. Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts & Locking Layers
8. Using Outline Mode, Layer Folders & Properties

Lesson 3: Drawing with Vectors (28 min)

1. Comparing Vectors & Bitmaps
2. Working with the Pen Tool
3. Drawing a Heart Shape with the Pen Tool
4. Where to Put Points & How Far to Drag Handles
5. Practicing Your Vector Drawing Skills

Lesson 4: Flash Natural Drawing Tools (45 min)

1. Setting Up the Drawing Preferences
2. Exploring the Pencil Tool Options
3. Using the Line & Paint Bucket Tools
4. Distinguishing Between Strokes & Fills
5. Modifying Vectors Using the Selection Tool
6. Snapping & Modifying Curves with the Selection Tool
7. Altering Drawings with the Selection Options
8. Using the Brush & Paint Bucket Tools to Fill
9. Painting Using the Various Brush Modes
10. Working with a Stylus & a Tablet
11. Drawing with the Rectangle Tool
12. Drawing with the Oval Tool
13. Drawing with the PolyStar Tool
14. Working with the Eye Dropper Tool
15. Working with the Ink Bottle Tool
16. Working with the Eraser Tool

Lesson 5: Advanced Vector Drawing (54 min)

1. Intersecting Shapes within a Single Layer
2. Using the Selection Tool
3. Creating Complex Shapes with Intersecting Lines
4. Combining Tools to Create Detailed Curves
5. Vector Drawing Techniques
6. Grouping Vector Shapes
7. Editing the Contents of a Group
8. Creating & Arranging Groups
9. Object-Based Drawing

Lesson 6: Setting Colors in Flash (44 min)

1. Introducing Advanced Color Selection
2. Working with the Color Mixer
3. Creating Transparency & Sampling Colors
4. Using the Color Swatches Palette
5. Applying & Stylizing Strokes
6. Adjusting Cap, Join & Other Stroke Properties
7. Applying & Transforming Gradients
8. Saving & Locking Gradients
9. Choosing a Gradient Overflow
10. Adding Transparency to a Gradient

Lesson 7: Bitmaps in Flash (51 min)

1. Importing Files to the Stage & Library
2. File Compression Settings, Size Report & Use Count
3. Compressing Individual Files
4. Importing an Image with a Transparent Background
5. Using Trace Bitmap to Change a Background to Vectors
6. Changing a Foreground Item to Vectors
7. Using the Optimize Curves Command
8. Grouping an Image & Using the Transform Tools
9. Performing Transformations Numerically
10. Working with the Free Transform Options
11. Working with Bitmap Fills inside a Vector Shape
12. Using the Break Apart Command & the Magic Wand Tool

Lesson 8: Using Text in Flash (55 min)

1. Auto-Sizing, Auto-Wrapping & Selecting Text
2. Changing a Font, Picking a Color & Checking Spelling
3. Using Rulers, Guides, Grids & Snapping
4. Aligning, Distributing & Spacing Text
5. Working with Device Fonts
6. Editing Files with Missing Fonts
7. Anti-Aliasing Text for Better Quality & Readability
8. Paragraph & Character Formatting
9. Using Text as a Design Element
10. Text on a Path, Guide Layers & the Transform Panel

Lesson 9: Symbols (41 min)

1. Introducing Symbols
2. Creating & Reusing a Symbol
3. Editing a Symbol in Place
4. Editing a Symbol in the Library
5. Modifying an Instance of a Symbol
6. Nesting Elements inside a Symbol
7. Adjusting the Color & Opacity of a Symbol
8. Deconstructing & Reordering Symbol Parts
9. Taking Advantage of Logically Ordered Layers
10. Organizing the Library
11. Looking at Symbols as a Movie inside of a Movie

Lesson 10: Symbol Effects: Filters & Blends (65 min)

1. Applying Fader Gradients
2. Adding Text & Graphics to a Background
3. Converting Text to Symbols
4. Using Drop Shadows with Text
5. Using Drop Shadows with Symbols
6. Applying the Blur Filter to Text & Symbols
7. Customizing Glow & Bevel
8. Disabling Filters & Using the Gradient Bevel Filter
9. Stacking Order & Other Filters & Settings
10. Saving & Using Filter Presets
11. Understanding Blend Modes
12. Using the Normal, Darken & Multiply Blend Modes
13. Using the Lighten & Screen Blend Modes
14. Using the Overlay & Hard Light Blend Modes
15. Using the Add, Subtract, Difference & Invert Blends
16. Building a Mask without Blend Modes
17. Building a Mask Using Alpha, Blend & Layer Modes
