
SolidWorks 2017 SP4.1 非常專業的三維圖形設計軟體 多國語言(含中文)破解版(DVD9兩片裝 此片售價400元)
軟體名稱:SolidWorks 2017 SP4.1 非常專業的三維圖形設計軟體 多國語言(含中文)破解版(DVD9兩片裝 此片售價400元)
系統支援:Windows 7/8/10
0. Before installation, block the outgoing Internet access by means of Windows
Firewall or cord plug. Check .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.0 are installed. If
.NET Framework 3.5 (including 2.0) is not installed, go to
"Control Panel" -> "Programs and Features" -> "Turn Windows features on or off" ->
-> select ".NET Framework 3.5 (including 2.0)"
1. Unzip the _SolidSQUAD_ folder into arbitrary writeable folder like (C:\Temp)
2. Run "SolidWorks.2017.Activator.SSQ.exe" as administrator (right-click on file)
2.1 Press "Change Serial Numbers" button, select "Force Local Activation Serial Numbers"
from drop-down list and press "Change Serial Numbers"
2.2 Press "Activate Licenses" button, select "SolidWorks 2017 Products" from drop-down
list, select products to activate by toggling "Activate" or "Skip" on every product
and "Details" to tweak features if required. Press "Activate Licenses" to activate
licenses. SolidWorks PDM Professional license (ex Enterprise PDM) license will be
also generated and prompted to save on disk as "sw_d.lic"
2.3 Close activator window
3. Install SolidWorks 2017 (including PDM Client if required). Dont install SolidNetwork
License Server (SNL).
4. After installation is complete, run activator as administrator (right-click on file)
4.1 Press "Copy Loaders" button, and press "Stop Services and Copy Loaders" to confirm.
All running services related to SolidWorks will be stopped and loader fixes copied
to appropriate directories.
4.2 Press "Activate Express Codes" button, and press "Activate" button to confirm.
4.3 (OPTIONAL) If activation of eDrawings Professional and SolidWorks Workgroup PDM Viewer
is required, press "Activate Miscellany Products" and press "Activate" button to confirm.
4.4 Close activator
5. (OPTIONAL) Use generated PDM Professional license file to feed SNL License Server as described
in "PDM / License Server Activation". If no PDM will be used, skip the step
6. Reboot computer
To activate SolidWorks 2010 - 2016 and 2017 under Local activation:
0. Run SW2010-2016 activator, select required products for 2010 - 2016
1. Run SW2017 Activator and follow "Local Activation on Client Computers"
Network License on PDM Server / License Server Computer:
0. Before installation, block the outgoing Internet access by means of Windows
Firewall or cord plug. Check .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.0 are installed. If
.NET Framework 3.5 (including 2.0) is not installed, go to
"Control Panel" -> "Programs and Features" -> "Turn Windows features on or off" ->
-> select ".NET Framework 3.5 (including 2.0)"
1. Unzip the _SolidSQUAD_ folder into arbitrary writeable folder like (C:\Temp)
2. Run "SolidWorks.2017.Activator.SSQ.exe" as administrator (right-click on file)
2.1 Press "Change Serial Numbers" button, select "Force ?Network Floating Serial Numbers"
from drop-down list and press "Change Serial Numbers"
2.2 Press "Activate Licenses" button, select "SolidWorks 2017 Products" from drop-down
list, select products to activate by toggling "Activate" or "Skip" on every product
and "Details" to tweak features if required. Press "Activate Licenses" to generate
license file for SolidWorks and PDM Products (PDM Standard and PDM Professional) and
save it as "sw_d.lic"
2.3 Close activator window
3. Install SolidWorks PDM 2017, SolidNetwork License Manager (SNL), PDMWorks Workgroup Vault
(if required) and SolidWorks 2017 (if required)
4. Create "licenses" folder in SolidNetwork License Manager installation directory
(by default, "C:\Program Files (x86)\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SolidNetWork License Manager\licenses\")
and copy "sw_d.lic" generated after step 2 to that folder.
4. After installation is complete, run activator as administrator (right-click on file)
4.1 Press "Copy Loaders" button, and press "Stop Services and Copy Loaders" to confirm.
All running services related to SolidWorks will be stopped and loader fixes copied
to appropriate directories.
4.2 (OPTIONAL) If SolidWorks 2017 is installed, press "Activate Express Codes" button,
and press "Activate" button to confirm.
4.3 (OPTIONAL) If activation of eDrawings Professional and SolidWorks Workgroup PDM Viewer
is required, press "Activate Miscellany Products" and press "Activate" button to confirm.
4.4 Close activator
5. Reboot computer
Network License on Client Computer:
0. Before installation, block the outgoing Internet access by means of Windows
Firewall or cord plug. Check .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.0 are installed. If
.NET Framework 3.5 (including 2.0) is not installed, go to
"Control Panel" -> "Programs and Features" -> "Turn Windows features on or off" ->
-> select ".NET Framework 3.5 (including 2.0)"
1. Unzip the _SolidSQUAD_ folder into arbitrary writeable folder like (C:\Temp)
2. Run "SolidWorks.2017.Activator.SSQ.exe" as administrator (right-click on file)
2.1 Press "Change Serial Numbers" button, select "Force Network Floating Serial Numbers"
from drop-down list and press "Change Serial Numbers"
2.2 Dont activate anything, just close activator window
3. Install SolidWorks 2017 (including PDM Client if required). Dont install SolidNetwork
License Server (SNL).
4. After installation is complete, run activator as administrator (right-click on file)
4.1 Press "Copy Loaders" button, and press "Stop Services and Copy Loaders" to confirm.
All running services related to SolidWorks will be stopped and loader fixes copied
to appropriate directories.
4.2 Press "Activate Express Codes" button, and press "Activate" button to confirm.
4.3 (OPTIONAL) If activation of eDrawings Professional and SolidWorks Workgroup PDM Viewer
is required, press "Activate Miscellany Products" and press "Activate" button to confirm.
4.4 Close activator
5. Reboot computer
6. Enjoy!
SOLIDWORKS 2017 的新增功能
作為全球 310 多萬用戶選擇的設計與開發解決方案,SOLIDWORKSR 為您帶來了更多
• 創新 –幫助您加入新興技術的新功能
• 設計 –幫助您更快速地完成工作的更多核心功能和性能
• 驗證 –引領突破性創新的更為出色的設計創意
• 協作 –解鎖任何 3D 模型以便在 SOLIDWORKS 中使用
• 構建和管理 – 從概念到製造的資料集成,驅動業務需求