
Digital Juice MusicBox 2 DVD9 INDEX SCD ^¤å¥¿¦¡ª©(µ¼Ö¯À§÷)(DVD9¤@¤ù¸Ë ¦¹¤ù°â»ù250)
³nÅé¦WºÙ:Digital Juice MusicBox 2 DVD9 INDEX SCD ^¤å¥¿¦¡ª©(µ¼Ö¯À§÷)(DVD9¤@¤ù¸Ë ¦¹¤ù°â»ù250)
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¨t²Î¤ä´©: XP Professional SP2 / Vista / Windows7
Digital Juiceµo¦æªºMusicBOXµ¼Ö®w 2 Ä~Äò¬O¥Î´¶³q¤À¼h»s§@ªºµÀW·§©À¡A¬°§A
(Techno), ¥ð¶¢¼Ö(Relaxation)»PºÞ©¶¼Ö(Orchestral)¦hÓÃþ§O¡C
¨Cººq¦±¦³¦hºØ´À´«ª©¥»©M¦³¦h¹F10Óµy¡CMusicBOXµ¼Ö²° 2 ùبCºANDª©¥»ºq
nÃþ§O¡GAmbient Broadcast Cinematic Corporate Electronica Jazz Motivational¡A
Orchestral Pop Relaxation Rock Sports Techno World......
MusicBOX Collection 2 continues the popular layered production audio concept from Digital
Juice, offering you another eclectic collection of music in the proprietary STX layered format.
However, this collection of 100 all-new original songs includes more of the high energy,
upbeat sound you are looking for, as well as all-new Motivational, Techno, Relaxation and
Orchestral categories.
Each song is available in several alternate versions, with up to 10 tracks per song. Each song
AND version in MusicBOX Collection 2 also comes with custom edited standard length broadcast
cuts of 1:00, :30, :15 and :10 so you can quickly grab the length you need. To top it off,
most of the songs contain some kind of vocal element, which you have the option to include or
keep silent. With all of this, your options to customize and make each song fit your
production are nearly infinite.
Finding the music you need is just as easy in this collection as in the previous MusicBOX 1.
By using the powerful Filter Mode you can perform quick and easy song searches to find the
perfect song or theme for your project.