
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Cluster Managers V6.1 英文光碟正式版 (服務管理)

軟體名稱:IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Cluster Managers V6.1 英文光碟正式版 (服務管理)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003


IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Cluster Managers V6.1 英文光碟正式版 (服務管理)



IBM Tivoli Monitoring 提供基本系統資源的監控特性,以檢測系統瓶頸和潛在的問
能數據,現在 Tivoli Monitoring 把系統管理員從這項工作中解脫出來。利用行業最
佳實踐,Tivoli Monitoring 能夠為企業帶來直接的價值。

IBM Tivoli Monitoring 同時也通過Proactive Analysis Components (PAC) 提供了
用程式和數據庫。通過結合 IBM Tivoli Business System Manager 和 IBM Tivoli 
Enterprise Console,IBM Tivoli Monitoring 提供真正的端到端的解決方案。

基於最新的IBM Tivoli Monitoring 技術,IBM Tivoli Monitoring Active 
Directory Option提供了一套極具價值的預先設置的、開箱即用的自動化最佳實踐,
通過自動監控基本資源和檢測潛在問題,從而預測性地管理系統目錄。IBM Tivoli 
Monitoring Active Directory Option 還能夠無縫集成其他Tivoli 解決方案,包括
Tivoli Business System Manager 和 Tivoli Enterprise Console,提供真正的端到

IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Cluster Managers: Microsoft Cluster Server Agent V6.1
extends the end-to-end monitoring and management capability of IBM Tivoli 
Monitoring to include Microsoft Cluster Servers.

Businesses rely more and more on IT resources to deliver products and services
to their customers. This increased reliance has made it even more critical that
these resources remain available to meet customer and business needs. Because 
of this, critical systems are frequently clustered to avoid downtime. These 
same systems are also the primary targets for monitoring, so that IT operations
and administrators can proactively identify issues. Therefore, it's important 
to extend monitoring capabilities to include clustered environments. IBM Tivoli 
Monitoring for Cluster Managers provides this capability, gathering cluster 
manager metrics and providing the means through out-of-the-box situations and 
workspaces to quickly identify cluster-specific issues in failover and load-
balancing cluster environments. 

IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Cluster Managers provides support for Microsoft 
Cluster Server. This agent will include best practice situations and expert 
advice, customized workspaces, and historical data gathering, as well as 
sending application-specific events to Tivoli Enterprise Console.

Microsoft Cluster Server agent:
?Monitors availability of the cluster process 
?Provides availability information pertaining to the cluster: Cluster nodes, 
  Cluster resource groups, Cluster resources, Cluster networks, Cluster 
  network interfaces 
?Shows top cluster resource shortage threats to application availability 
  and capacity 
?Collects data on the following metrics, including raw data and rollup 
  information (Min, Max, Avg, Sum and Standard Deviation): for processor, 
  memory, disk, and network 
?Displays trends for resource consumption over recent and long-term 
  historical intervals 
?Provides the availability of the clustered application - up, partially up, 
  failed/failing over, failed over, down

