
Ian Boddy Waveforms Drumalogue KONTAKT WAV 音色庫素材 英文正式版
軟體名稱:Ian Boddy Waveforms Drumalogue KONTAKT WAV 音色庫素材 英文正式版
系統支援:For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN 7
Ian Boddy Waveforms系列是Something Else Music Limited公司出品的一系列
音色庫素材,該公司由英國傑出音色大師Ian Boddy興辦于1992年。Waveforms音
Drumalogue is the third title in Ian Boddy Waveforms series of
sample libraries. This is a library of 1,000 analogue drum, percu-
ssion and one-shot hits. However these are not taken from vintage
drum machines (of which there is already plenty of content available
elsewhere) but rather all the sounds are hand crafted by Boddy on
vintage analogue synths and modular systems. They run the full gamut
from thunderous bass drums, crisp snares & hats through to abstract
synth hits & FX and even weird glitchy & industrial sounds.
The sounds are a mixture of mono and stereo samples and some have
genuine analogue effects printed on them from spring reverbs, bucket
brigade delays and phaser/flangers. This all adds up to a cornucopia
of drum and percussion sounds that can be used in virtually any
style of production.
The sounds are also mapped out in Kontakt 2 programs with a basic
envelope and low-pass filter provided. The modulation wheel is set
to turn the cut-off of the filter down as it is raised. These
programs are presented in three different ways. The Audition
programs present all the sounds per category with one sound per key
starting at C1. The 18 Kit patches follow as closely as possible the
General MIDI Percussion Key Map from B0 (Key35) to B2 (Key59) and
provide a convenient way of playing some of the sounds as "drum
kits". Finally there is a range of sounds key-mapped out in Patches.
No other programming is included as the sounds themselves are
"finished" and it is intended to give the customer the flexibility
of adding their own effects and modulations if desired.