
Sony MediaSoftware Robert Rich Ambient Atmospheres and Rhythms WAV ACiD ù§B¯S¡EùØ©_Àô¹Òµ¼Öµ¦â®w ^¤å¥¿¦¡ª©
³nÅé¦WºÙ:Sony MediaSoftware Robert Rich Ambient Atmospheres and Rhythms WAV ACiD ù§B¯S¡EùØ©_Àô¹Òµ¼Öµ¦â®w ^¤å¥¿¦¡ª©
¨t²Î¤ä´©:For WIN 95/WIN 98/WIN ME/WIN-NT/WIN 2000/windows 7
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Robert Rich is one of the world's most respected and best-selling composers
of deep experimental music. The Ambient Atmospheres & Rhythms collection is
packed with a generous array of all the rhythms, melodies, and atmospheres
that characterize Robert's work as some of the most compelling and respected
in its class. Flutes, drones, textured soundscapes, and the hypnotic, nuanced
minimalism that have become a Rich trademark are presented here with perfect
fidelity and balance. Sony Creative Software is pleased to include the Ambient
Atmospheres & Rhythms collection in our universe of exclusive artist libraries.